
My website will introduce you to a variety of programs, healing resources, and consulting options designed to create spaces of embodied safety, healing, and learning on the topics of trauma and resilience, sexual violence, yoga, and somatic healing. My primary focus over the last two decades has been in the field of sexual trauma, however, having been influenced by many teachers and healers, including my Somatic Experiencing training, I can support people navigating a wide spectrum of traumatic or overwhelming experiences having to do with harm, grief, suffering, shock, loss, physical injury, and unexpected change. 

As an experienced yoga teacher, I offer private and group yoga instruction, as well as workshops and training designed specifically for groups interested in yoga for trauma healing. Seeking to empower other healers and organizations to expand their capacity and confidence in providing specialized, trauma-informed care to survivors, I offer individual and organizational consulting and trainings. As a survivor who has spent two decades navigating the advocacy, holistic healing, and traumatology communities, I provide nuanced support for others working to identify sustainable practices within these fields. 

In 2018, I completed 3 years of coursework in Somatic Experiencing (SE) and earned my Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) certificate. SE is a naturalistic, trauma resolution method designed by Dr. Peter Levine that supports the re-emergence of people's innate healing capacity by working intentionally, gently, and incrementally, to increase nervous system regulation and resilience. I continued to study SE through my role as the Portland, Oregon Somatic Experiencing Institute’s training coordinator between 2019 - 2021. I completed Kathy Kain’s Somatic Skills Online Training in 2022 and will complete her Touch Skills Training for Trauma Therapists in September of 2023. Additionally, I receive ongoing supervision/case consultation from a variety of seasoned SEPs and I continue to receive SE as a client.

If you would like to stay connected regarding my workshops, public speaking, or healing offerings, I invite you to sign up for my e-newsletter here.

Thank you for taking time to explore the resources I offer survivors, healing professionals, advocates, and organizations. It is my honor and privilege to be a part of a movement towards individual and collective healing, reclamation, and resilience.   
